At the 30th Annual General Meeting held on May 25, 2010 the members present voted overwhelmingly to drop the redundant word ?rackets? from the name of the organization which will now be called the Barbados Squash Association (BSA). A new Executive Council was also elected for a new one year term and veteran sports administrator, Craig Archer, was re-elected unopposed for his twelfth term of office as President.
Mr. Archer was first elected onto the BSRA Council in May 1988 and has served in virtually all of the administrative positions in squash since then. He also is the current President of the Caribbean Area Squash Association (CASA), a member of the Technical Committee of the World Squash Federation (WSF) and a Director of the Barbados Olympic Association Inc (BOA). Archer is a registered engineer and a construction project manager by training, and also serves on the current Executive of the Barbados Association of Professional Engineers (BAPE).
Mr. Archer will once again have an experienced team to call upon since most of the outgoing BSA Officers were returned unopposed. Mr. Orson Simpson, the current Treasurer of the Barbados Cricket Association (BCA) and the President of the Pickwick Cricket Club, retains the position of Senior Vice-President, and the current 6-time national men’s champion, Mr. Shawn Simpson, remains in the post of Treasurer for a record fifth straight year. Miss Jeannette Cullen was also re-elected unopposed to the position of Secretary. Mr. Michael Best is the new Junior Vice President and has replaced Mr. Sanjay Amin, who did not seek re-election.
The new Members for the 2010-2011 year are as follows: Mr. Paul McLeod, Mr. Norman Rice, Miss Lea Solomon and Mr. Ronald Watson.
Report from BSA Council to the 2010 AGM (.pdf) – file no. 1